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  1. 101 Inc. 1 item
  2. 4F 4 items
  3. 5.11 Tactical 22 items
  4. 8Fields 24 items
  5. Alpinus 31 items
  6. Ape Force Gear 3 items
  7. Aquamira 2 items
  8. Armytek 3 items
  9. Bennon 1 item
  10. Berghaus Tactical 109 items
  11. Bergson 10 items
  12. CamelBak 5 items
  13. CAMO Military Gear 29 items
  14. Campingaz 1 item
  15. Coleman 1 item
  16. Combat Lab 4 items
  17. Condor 34 items
  18. DD Hammocks 2 items
  19. Demobil 5 items
  20. Deuter 41 items
  21. Direct Action 105 items
  22. Emerson 9 items
  23. ESP 1 item
  24. Fjord Nansen 23 items
  25. FMA 1 item
  26. Garrett 1 item
  27. GFC 24 items
  28. Grangers 1 item
  29. Gregory 43 items
  30. GTW Gear 13 items
  31. Haasta 2 items
  32. Hadwao 1 item
  33. Hazard 4 52 items
  34. Help Bag 14 items
  35. Hi-Tec 42 items
  36. Highlander 144 items
  37. Hydrapak 2 items
  38. ITW Nexus 37 items
  39. IWO-Hest 2 items
  40. K9 Thorn 11 items
  41. Kapaan 1 item
  42. M-Tac 221 items
  43. Magnum 24 items
  44. Maskpol 9 items
  45. MFH 133 items
  46. 4 items
  47. Mivardi 6 items
  48. MON 6 items
  49. Mountval 5 items
  50. Nature by Marsupio 6 items
  51. Nikwax 2 items
  52. Nils 22 items
  53. Nite Ize 64 items
  54. Oakley 5 items
  55. OrganoTex 2 items
  56. Osprey 24 items
  57. Pentagon 68 items
  58. Plano 1 item
  59. Primal Gear 31 items
  60. Protector Tech 1 item
  61. Quest Metal Detectors 1 item
  62. Rockland 3 items
  63. Salewa 2 items
  64. Sea To Summit 5 items
  65. Silva 1 item
  66. Singing Rock 1 item
  67. Snugpak 2 items
  68. Sophia Corda 1 item
  69. Source 20 items
  70. Tasmanian Tiger 70 items
  71. Tatonka 28 items
  72. Texar 37 items
  73. ThreePigeons 1 item
  74. Ticket to the Moon 2 items
  75. TM 11 items
  76. Ultimate Tactical 1 item
  77. Viper Tactical 7 items
  78. Volven 1 item
  79. Voodoo Tactical 22 items
  80. Wenger 16 items
  81. Worker Walker 1 item
  82. Wosport 23 items
  83. XP Metal Detectors 2 items
  84. Zefal 1 item
Dedicated laptop pocket
MOLLE/PALS compatible
Hydration packs compatibility
Waist strap

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    Manufacturer's suggested price £42.72

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The category of backpacks in the store is an excellent option for all people who appreciate the ability to conveniently pack the necessary equipment for any occasion. If you are looking for the perfect backpack that will be durable, strong and reliable, then we invite you to browse our diverse offer. It is addressed primarily to lovers of tourism, military and the widely understood outdoors, but it will also successfully find people looking for strong backpacks perfectly suited for everyday use, such as for the office, university or school. We offer, among others, large hiking and climbing backpacks, military and tactical backpacks in camouflage, sports backpacks for one shoulder, backpacks for school, work and many other perfectly designed models.

Our offer is rich in various types of comfortable backpacks, which vary in terms of base capacity, dimensions, designs, colors, equipment and many other features. All this in order to best match the backpack to the user's needs and its intended use. Accordingly, we have divided the main category into several smaller ones to make it significantly easier to find the best model.

When looking for an ideal and multifunctional backpack for expeditions or school, it is worth looking around in the category of durable and sturdy military-tactical backpacks. Despite the name, these backpacks will also be perfect for a wide variety of tourist activities. A large number of functional compartments, side pockets or the ability to attach additional equipment (thanks to MOLLE systems) are among the few advantages that increase the usefulness of the backpack. A multifunctional military backpack will prove very useful during a trip to the mountains, on a bushcraft expedition or as a practical backpack for school. A large selection of models in camouflage makes them suitable for airsoft games, where both the convenience of carrying equipment and the ability to hide are important. They will also be appreciated by those who like simple military style. In this category, lovers of militaria, survival, outdoor games and all those who expect military strength and durability are sure to find something for themselves. The backpacks we sell come from proven companies such as Wisport, Helikon, Badger, Pentagon, Texar, Direct Action and many others.

Going on a hiking trip of several days, it is worth getting a larger and sturdy backpack that will allow you to take all the necessary equipment. These models are equipped with comfortable straps and special reinforcements, so that marches of several days do not cause discomfort. It is also worth noting the side pockets and the possibility of clipping additional equipment such as a carrimat or sleeping bag. Our offer also includes climbing backpacks, adapted for use in difficult mountain conditions. Many of them are models with large capacities, which are an excellent choice for several-day expeditions. A good example is the German Deuter backpacks, which are characterized by high quality and practicality.

The backpack category also includes function and evacuation backpacks, also known as BOB (Bug Out Bag). These are used for quick evacuation from a location in the event of an unexpected emergency, such as armed conflict. We also offer a lot of sports models designed, for example, for running or cycling.

The category of backpacks on is a wide range of durable and long-lasting products designed for many outdoor activities. The models we offer are designed to provide users with maximum comfort both during multi-day marches and during everyday wear. It is worth mentioning that in our offer we also have a large selection of comfortable school backpacks, designed for use in uniformed classes, as well as quite a few models for work or university, in which you can safely carry your laptop. We also invite you to browse our range of functional backpacks - perfect for growing any outdoor sports activities.